7 Tips for Managing a Rental Property Out of State

7 Tips for Managing a Rental Property Out of State

7 Tips for Managing a Rental Property Out of State


Are you managing a rental property out of state? Managing a property from afar can feel intimidating, but there are several steps you can take to ensure that your tenants have a positive experience and your investment is protected. If you are looking for Gatehouse access control software to make managing your rental property easier, contact Safehouse Systems today to learn more about their services. Here are seven tips for managing your rental property out of state.

1. Hire a Property Management Company

The most crucial step you can take when managing a rental property out of state is to hire a reliable property management company. A reputable property management company will be able to handle all the day-to-day tasks associated with running your rental business, such as handling tenant inquiries, collecting rent payments, and overseeing repairs and maintenance. Having an experienced team on the ground will make it much easier for you to manage your rental property remotely.

2. Invest in Technology

Investing in technology such as Gatehouse access control software is another great way to make managing a rental property from afar much simpler. Access control systems give tenants easy entry into their homes while also providing landlords with peace of mind that their properties are secure from intruders or vandalism. Additionally, access control software makes it easy for tenants to pay their rent electronically which eliminates the need for physical cash transactions and reduces the risk of fraud or theft.

3. Set Clear Rules and Expectations

When renting out an out-of-state property, it's important that you set clear rules and expectations from the start so that there's no confusion later on down the line. Make sure that all terms are outlined in writing in both tenant contracts and lease agreements so that everyone involved knows exactly what they're signing up for before they move in. This will help prevent any misunderstandings or disputes between landlord and tenant down the road.          

4. Conduct Regular Inspections

Even though you may not be physically present at the rental unit, it's still important to conduct regular inspections of the home on occasion (either by yourself or through your chosen property management company). Doing regular inspections can help ensure that everything is being kept up properly and any necessary repairs or maintenance issues are addressed promptly before they become bigger problems down the line. It also gives landlords an opportunity to check in with tenants and ensure everything is going smoothly with their stay at the home.                      

5. Be Available for Tenants

No matter how far away your rental unit may be, it's still important to always be available for tenants should they ever need assistance or have questions about their stay at the home. You can do this by setting up an email address specifically dedicated to tenant inquiries or by providing tenants with your cell phone number so they know they can reach out if they ever need anything during their stay at the home (just keep in mind that some states require landlords to provide emergency contact information).              

6. Choose Carefully Who You Rent To  

When renting out an out-of-state property, it's especially important that you take extra care when screening potential tenants since you won't be able to meet them face-to-face prior to signing a lease agreement like you would if renting locally (this is where having a reliable property management company comes in handy). Make sure everyone involved meets all financial criteria before signing off on any paperwork—otherwise, things could get messy down the line if payments aren't made on time or disputes arise between landlord and tenant over who is responsible for what costs/repairs/maintenance issues within the home).      

7. Take Advantage of Online Resources

There are numerous online resources available these days specifically designed for remote landlords such as yourself who might not always have direct access to their properties due to distance constraints—so take advantage of them! Sites like Airbnb offer comprehensive tools designed specifically for long-distance rentals while sites like Zillow offer helpful advice related topics like setting fair rent prices based on local market trends (allowing you set competitive rates without sacrificing too much profit).         



Managing a rental property out of state doesn’t have to be daunting! By taking advantage of technology like Gatehouse access control software offered by Safehouse Systems resources like Airbnb & Zillow, setting clear rules & expectations upfront, hiring reputable Property Management companies & conducting regular inspections,you can successfully manage your rental properties remotely. With these 7 tips as part of your toolkit, you’ll be well prepared to manage your properties effectively from anywhere!

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