An Overview of On-Premise and Cloud Security Systems

An Overview of On-Premise and Cloud Security Systems

An Overview of On-Premise and Cloud Security Systems


If you’re in the market for a security system for your property, you may be wondering whether it’s best to choose an on-premise or cloud security system. Understanding the benefits of each can help you make an informed decision about which type of system is best for your specific needs. Let's take a look at both systems and explore their benefits.

On-Premise Systems

An on-premise security system is one that is installed directly onto your property and monitored from there. This type of system typically includes cameras, motion sensors, access control sensors, and other features such as video analytics. The main benefit of this type of system is that it offers complete control over the data collected by the system—data that can be stored locally or remotely. This means that if something goes wrong with the system, you have full control over any changes or repairs made to it. Furthermore, because all data is stored locally, there’s less risk of cyber-attack or data theft from outside sources.

Cloud Security Systems

A cloud security system is one that utilizes a third party provider to monitor and store data collected by the security camera systems installed on your property. The benefit here lies in the remote monitoring capabilities offered by these cloud service providers; they often offer round-the-clock monitoring so that if anything goes wrong with your system, there are technicians available to address whatever issue arises quickly and efficiently. Additionally, many cloud service providers offer additional features such as facial recognition software for added protection against unauthorized personnel accessing your property.



Ultimately, when deciding between an on-premise or cloud security system for your property, you will want to weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully before making a decision. Remember, no two properties are exactly alike; what works well for one may not work well for another. If you’re looking for gated security systems, contact Safehouse Systems today to learn more about their services and what they can provide you with based on your particular needs and budget requirements. With their expert guidance and advice, you can make an informed decision about which type of security system is right for your property!

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