Why Your Gated Community Needs Visitor Management

Why Your Gated Community Needs Visitor Management

Why Your Gated Community Needs Visitor Management

To keep a gated community secured, it is essential to know who a person is before being allowed past the entrance. Property owners and security personnel can rely on the advanced technology of visitor software to streamline operations and increase security. However, your gate to limit access to the property or community is only the first step to creating a secure community. A visitor management system is critical for keeping your property as safe as possible.

Visitor management at a glance

Visitor management is a broad term to describe the information gathering process for tracking visitors, managing community access, and safeguarding against nuisance. Visitor management looks different if different locations and industries due to varied needs and demands, so using a solution designed for your industry is crucial for ensuring a comprehensive solution.

We offer visitor software designed for managing access and tracking visitors in your gated community. Our process simplifies compliance and enforcement protocols, protects visitor and resident identities, offers safety precautions, protects property and assets, guards against nuisances, and enhances the employee, resident, and visitor experience.

Your gated community should be able to track everyone who enters your property. If a visitor does not live in the community, your visitor software should scan their identification and log them in as a guest. Frequent visitors like nannies, landscapers, or housekeepers should be grouped separately for a more streamlined check-in process and removed from the group when their employment ends. Residents should have the option to set up text alerts to be notified when an employee or visitor enters the community.

Why an updated visitor management system is critical

Your residents chose to live in a gated community for security and safety assurance. The presence of a security gate can deter some potential problems, but comprehensive visitor software is a higher-level security solution, allowing you to know everyone who enters the property. In addition, it will enable you to learn critical details about anyone trying to gain access to the property, including whether they were previously banned.

Visitor management is also helpful in tracking recurring guests in your community. For example, if you have family members, friends, nannies, maintenance, or housekeepers that visit your neighborhood regularly, the visitor software will recognize them and treat them as such. They can then be grouped separately from other guests to streamline the vetting process for security threats.

Visitor management systems are a vital upgrade from outdated manual visitor tracking that is often unreliable and time-consuming. These older systems require personnel to type out or write down visitor information which takes up valuable time and is prone to human error.

If you are interested in more comprehensive security, additional security features are available. For example, our visitor software solution is designed to serve gated communities and eliminates the possibility of human error. In addition, scanning IDs will deter criminals from even attempting to enter your community. This is a huge deterrent from your community becoming a target for vandalism or theft.

Your gated community deserves the safety and peace of mind offered by a visitor management system. Contact us today about our visitor software to keep your community safe and secure.

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