How You Can Use Gate Codes to Control Access in Gated Communities

How You Can Use Gate Codes to Control Access in Gated Communities

How You Can Use Gate Codes to Control Access in Gated Communities

The vast bulk of urban dwellers would choose to reside in a gated community. It's because citizens in a gated community are perceived as high-status and wealthy. Status is one item, but a gated community will also provide you and your family with both solitude and safety.

Contemporary gated communities guarantee access control is maintained in several ways, but one of the most prevalent is by employing gate codes. This access method mandates you to enter a code on a pin pad before penetrating the gated community. You can also utilize a pin pad to regulate a gate on a personal residence. However, there are more modern and convenient methods of secure access, like cellular access technology, that will probably replace gate codes entirely in the future.

How To Handle Entry Restricting Codes

Each gated neighborhood might have a distinct method to permit access to and from its electronic gate. Therefore, the areas that use gate codes will have distinct ways of handling them. These codes, which will allow a person or automobile access to the community, are critical. Community managers and security personnel should not disseminate the gate codes too widely.

One way of controlling entry access codes is by providing each community resident with a unique code that they employ to access the community. This method is practical because it limits sharing of the code among citizens. In addition, if an unauthorized individual gains entry to the neighborhood, the code used can be determined quickly, and you can seal the security breach without involving the community's other residents.

A challenge with unique codes for every resident arrives when one resident has frequent visitors around their house. Since the gate code is only provided to residents, you have to unlock the gate for each of your visitors. Communicating the gate code to visitors beats the point of having special access codes and creates an entry vulnerability where unauthorized individuals can acquire access to the property. They may also communicate the code further, which again amplifies the exposure. You may want to share the code anyway, but it might be against community guidelines. Other admission control methods might perform better, such as cellular admission, where you can readily provide and revoke entry through your smartphone.

The other method involves sharing one gate code among all gated community residents. Intruders can easily breach the gate if everyone shares the same code, particularly in large gated communities. If you need to trace an entry for any reason, you'll hit a brick wall since everyone utilizes the same access code. In addition, it'll be challenging to figure out where the actual violation came from.

Having separate codes for each home is better security-wise, but it can be rather challenging to manage.

These are a couple of ways to manage gated community access with gate codes. Contact us today if you are looking for a better gated community security solution and visitor check-in process. We have the answer to all your security problems.

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