How to Make Your Neighborhood into a Gated Community

How to Make Your Neighborhood into a Gated Community

How to Make Your Neighborhood into a Gated Community

If you've noticed the traffic in your neighborhood increasing and are worried about your household's safety or are tired of solicitors and want higher property worth, you may consider pivoting your area into a gated community. Gated neighborhoods offer a sense of solitude, increased safety, increased property values, and enhanced communication with your neighbors.

Explore Security Options

Safety is consistently a substantial concern for gated neighborhoods. A quality border gate and barrier can form an unassailable barrier between residents and the outside world. You will also have to consider a dependable automated gate opener for automobiles coming and going. A gate opener provides primary control over who accesses your community. Another factor to contemplate when gating a neighborhood is the distance from the entrance to the street, dubbed stacking distance. Stacking distance determines the number of automobiles that can line up at your gate at any given time.

You can also carry your safety and access control higher via advanced security controls like surveillance cameras, security guards, movement sensors, ALPR (automatic license plate recognition), and security gate software. For example, ALPR can be employed as a gate opener.

Consult Local Authorities

Gated neighborhoods usually come with many regulations and laws that HOA's must stick to. Be sure that you consult your regional administrations. Review local ordinances to see if it is conceivable to transform your existing neighborhood with public roads into a gated area. When setting up your gated community, gather the necessary permits, approvals, and paperwork. Depending on the area, visit the regional development authority and examine all the mandated building permits.

Hire a Real Estate Attorney

While you can obtain the paperwork yourself, it's a better idea to employ the assistance of a real estate attorney. An exemplary real estate attorney will aid you in getting updated with the regulations of a gated community and confirm that your paperwork is lawful, comprehensive, and sufficient.

Determine the Cost

Before moving forward, it is wise to evaluate each household's cost to accommodate the upgrade to a gated community. Gated communities lure expensive homeowner association costs for private security and street care. This can also incorporate annual care fees and upfront expenses for the gate.

Get your Neighbors on Board

Once you have collected all the essentials and better understand what it requires, you can turn your concentration to speaking to the neighborhood residents to see what their thoughts are. It is critical to confer with your neighbors to see if they are interested in the idea of a gated community. Next, you can call a community meeting and present your idea and what you plan to achieve. You will probably need to petition your neighbors and get at least 60 percent of them to agree.


When it comes to constructing a gated community, you must pay attention to the demands and needs of your future buyers. Ensure that your gated community displays indispensable qualities like security and safety. With crime on the rise, we mustn't compromise our household's safety with substandard community security. While it is indisputable that changing a standard community into a gated community can be prolonged and costly, it is worth mentioning that living in a gated neighborhood with security gate software helps reduce the likelihood of crime.

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