Four FAQs about Gated Communities

Four FAQs about Gated Communities

Four FAQs about Gated Communities

Did you know that there are over 11 million households located in gated communities? Gated communities offer many features to appeal to families, senior citizens, and a variety of demographics to give everyone what they need to live a happy, safe lifestyle. Many of these features involve the added benefit of security, with gate access, visitor check-in, surveillance, and other monitoring services to provide protection to you home and family. To better understand gated communities and all they have to offer, here is a list of frequently asked questions we receive.

Do gated communities really have higher property values?

When you live in a gated community, you will likely have to pay for the features that offer you more security and comfort. Even though you pay a higher price tag, you will be putting an investment towards your future. You can trust that you will get your money back, because properties inside gated communities are roughly $30,000 more money than homes in residential communities. You can trust that you will get more from your investment when you invest in these homes.

Is there really more security on the grounds of a gated community?

Gated communities are known for the added security presence to offer residents more comfort and protection. These communities often have security guards working the gates, working for visitor check-in, and providing access through the gates. Although some communities do not have security guards working these areas, they may have software programs, key codes, or apps that allow residents access through the gate. When you live in a gated community, you can feel much safer with all the surveillance and security features offered here.

Do you have to meet certain criteria to live in a gated community?

It depends. Some gated communities are geared towards certain demographics. Some communities may offer homes to only senior citizens, offering exclusive amenities that benefit seniors, such as aerobics classes, bingo nights, and more. Other communities are exclusive to elite communities, such as the rich and famous. These often have an increased security presence that is reflected in the cost of property and HOA fees. Before you choose the right community for you, be sure to do your research.

How do I get into a gated community?

Are you interested in living in a gated community? To research gated communities with availability, contact a local realtor or browse online. You will likely find many communities near you, but you may have to visit in person or call to find out if there is any availability. When you restrict your search to only gated communities, you should also be prepared to get your name on a wait list since these are sought-after opportunities.

This list of frequently asked questions can help guide you through the benefits and offerings of gated communities. When you live in a gated community, you can feel safer and more protected with all the security features and amenities in the community.

To hear more about our gate access and visitor check-in software, contact Safehouse Systems today.

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