Five Gated Community Perks That Might Surprise You

Five Gated Community Perks That Might Surprise You

Five Gated Community Perks That Might Surprise You

Have you been looking for a safe place to call home? Look no further than gated communities in your area. One of the biggest perks of living in a gated community involves having added security in and around your home. However, these communities offer much more than just security. These are some of the gated community perks that just might surprise you.


Living in a gated community gives residents a sense of exclusivity. These communities are not public areas, meaning it requires special access into the area. Gates are also sometimes guarded by a security team that can get to know its residents over time, giving you even more of that valuable feeling. When you live in these communities, you belong to an exclusive club of only residents that pay the money to reap these benefits.

Added Security

Community security is another huge feature of a gated community. Most residents choose this style of neighborhood specifically for the security features. Some of these features include surveillance equipment, security cameras, and even security guards watching over the gates at all hours of the day. With added security comes the added benefit of protection for your family and your home.

Advanced Technology

Do you ever wonder how people are granted access into gated communities when there is no security guard working the entrance? Nowadays, these communities use advanced smart technology to recognize residents and track visitors. These are often in the form of an app or software program that can be easily implemented by both management and residents in the community. With gatehouse access control, you can easily get in and out of your community without any hassle.


Many people may not realize that gated communities offer more than just security. When you invest in these neighborhoods, you will also likely be able to enjoy many community amenities that can enhance your daily life. For example, some communities have swimming pools, fitness centers, or tennis courts for their residents to enjoy. These amenities can encourage healthy habits without needing to join a gym or pay an expensive membership. You’ll be able to access them right outside your door, which will also save you time each day.

Beautifully Manicured Landscaping

Gated communities also pride themselves on creating alluring, beautiful spaces. HOA fees often cover additional services, like landscaping. When you walk around your community, you can enjoy all the beautiful lawns, flowerbeds, and newly-planted shrubs. You can also ditch the worry over mowing or watering when you live in certain neighborhoods that have these services.

When you live in a gated community, you will be able to enjoy all of the perks of the community. Security is just the beginning of a beautiful, full lifestyle in a gated community. Our software that offers gatehouse access control for gated communities is just one way we help to keep your residents safe.

Contact us to learn more about our security software for your gated community today!

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